Social Impact with Virtual and Augmented Reality.

A capstone / MDE course at UMich created by Austin Yarger. Available winter semesters only.

EECS 440 is the University of Michigan’s premiere Extended Reality (Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality) course.
You may see some of our final, four-week projects here and play them yourself at our showcase website here.

Students will learn to…

  • Implement small-to-medium sized XR apps using the industry-standard Unity3D and Unreal Game Engines.
  • Design purposeful, engaging user experiences.
  • Practice non-engineering disciplines (art, music, psychology, writing, marketing) at a basic level.
  • Carry out user testing and the analysis of user feedback.
  • Design socially-conscious, empowering user experiences that engage diverse audiences.
  • Work effectively and efficiently in teams of 2-4 using agile production methods.
  • Contribute to cultural discourse on the hopes, concerns, and implications of an XR-oriented future (Film Review)
  • Exhibit XR projects to large crowds.
  • Explore the rapidly expanding XR industry from various perspectives.

Q: Should I take EECS 440?

Yes, if…
  • The skills above strike you as valuable.
  • You’re ready for a light-to-moderate workload.
  • You enjoy VR, AR, games, visualization, or interactive, engaging software in general.
  • You hope to gain employment in the extended reality or game development industry.
  • You wish to expand your game engine knowledge and portfolio (Unreal + Unity).

Q: How might I prepare?

EECS 440 does not require any work before class begins, but students who are interested in the material can give themselves a small head-start with the following tips.

Q: May I attend lecture asyncronously (remotely)?

Yes, attendance is not required and all lectures are recorded. You'll need to attend a handful of playtesting sessions towards the end of the semester, but nothing big.

Q: Is there a book?

There is no required book.

Q: May I request an override to take the course?

You may! Overrides are typically considered several weeks into the course if there is any remaining room. Please let us know by contacting the course staff.

Q: I’m on the Waitlist. What are my chances?

EECS 440 typically experiences 8-12 drops per semester, allowing 8-12 undergraduate CSE students off the waitlist. If we're close to getting everyone in, the course will typically expand its enrollment cap to get everyone in who wants in (we haven't had to deny anyone in a long time, but this is no guarantee).

If you have any questions regarding the course, feel free to reach us via our faculty email (search "Austin Yarger umich").

Q: I’m a non-CSE graduate student. May I take EECS 440?

EECS 440 is designed for junior and senior undergraduate computer science students, but graduate students are welcome to apply for admission via this CSE Grad Enrollment Form. Students who are not eligible to receive credit for EECS 440 may also consider auditing the course. If we begin to run out of seats, you may be asked to vacate yours for an enrolled student.

Q: How else may I study extended reality and game development at the University of Michigan?

The University of Michigan has a lean-and-mean game development environment including several impactful classes…

…and several excellent clubs…

Q: Does the State of Michigan have any XR or game studios?
